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Growing an Intercultural Mindset
Part A. Course Introduction
Who is this course for?
Why are you learning this?
What are you going to learn?
How is the course organised?
Who is your instructor?
Part B. Modules
Welcome :) (1:39)
Preparatory Module
How to get started
Entry test
How multilingual and multicultural are we?
Who are the course participants?
What are my strengths to teach in an intercultural environment? A self-assessment (15 min)
Test your English (optional)
What are our community rules?
Module 1: Culture in Higher Education
Introduction and Intended Learning Outcomes for Module 1 (1 min)
Key Points in Internationalisation of Higher Education (20 min) (17:57)
Internationalisation of Higher Education - a Brief History (40 min)
Global Citizens in Higher Education (20 min)
ACTIVITY! Transformation toward Global Citizenship
How do you understand culture (5 min)
Culture: an Onion or an Iceberg (20 min) (13:32)
Definitions of Culture and their Purpose (5 min)
Post-COVID19 Reality and Academic Teaching (10 min) (10:13)
Module 2: Intercultural Competence (ICC)
Introduction and Intended Learning Outcomes for Module 2 (1 min)
Understanding Intercultural Competence (ICC) (15 min) (13:58)
Cultural Humility Explained (30 min)
Academic Teachers and ICC (45 min)
Values Across the World (15 min) (0:28)
ACTIVITY! Values That Drive Us (15 min)
ICC Case Studies (35 min)
The Intercultural Development (10 min) (4:10)
Enculturation, Acculturation and Culture Shock (15 min) (14:58)
ACTIVITY! How to be prepared for a culture shock (15 min)
Module 3: Intercultural Management in Relations with Students
Introduction and Intended Learning Outcomes for Module 3 (1 min)
Intercultural Management In the Classroom. Is That Even Possible? (10 min)
A Student's Lifecycle at a University (5 min) (2:45)
Cultural Diversity (10 min)
ACTIVITY! Diversity of Your Students (10 min)
Finland: A Case Study in Diversity (30 min)
Stereotyping: So Easy, So Hard (15 min) (4:16)
ACTIVITY! Stereotypes: from Thoughts to Actions (10 min)
Applied Practice: National Culture (30 min)
ACTIVITY! Do You Recognise Your National Culture? (10 min)
Applied Practice: Culture Map (30 min)
Module 4: Teaching and Learning in an Intercultural Environment
Introduction and Intended Learning Outcomes for Module 4 (1 min)
Intercultural Teaching and Learning in a Multilingual Classroom (5 min)
Verbal Communication and the Role of Language (30 min) (15:58)
ACTIVITY! Do you really know how you speak? (15 min)
Speaking Without Words (20 min) (10:40)
The Listening Wheel (5 min) (4:17)
ACTIVITY! A True Listener (15 min)
Delivering Feedback (10 min)
ACTIVITY! How Do You Give Feedback? (10 min)
Module 5: Interacting with International Students Outside of the Classroom
Introduction and Intended Learning Outcomes for Module 5 (1 min)
ACTIVITY! Where Are the International Students? (20 min)
Your University as a Home (5 min) (4:25)
Communicating across the Generations (5 min) (4:48)
ACTIVITY! Daily Communication with Students (25 min)
Hierarchy, Space and Time in Daily Interactions (10 min)
ACTIVITY! In-Person Interaction (5 min)
Distance Interaction (20 min)
ACTIVITY! Distance Interaction (20 min)
Module 6: Intercultural Crisis Management
Introduction and Intended Learning Outcomes for Module 6 (1 min)
The Anatomy of a Conflict (10 min)
Conflict Styles (5 min)
ACTIVITY! Spheres of Misunderstanding (10 min)
The Theory of an Intercultural Conflict (15 min)
When Things Go Wrong... (15 min)
Intercultural Conflict Style Inventory (10 min)
ACTIVITY! Conflicts around the world (15 min)
Case Study: Israeli-Palenstinian Conflict (45 min)
Negotiations in an Intercultural Setting (20 min)
Conflict as a Propeller for Change (20 min)
ACTIVITY! And They Lived Happily Ever After? (10 min)
Conflict Resolution across Cultures (5 min)
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ACTIVITY! Where Are the International Students? (20 min)
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